George Federick, the son of a piano tuner, was an English portrait painter, 1817. Interestingly, he was drawing and not playing the piano, before he could walk and talk.The portrait portrays a bowed head and a drooping shoulder of a rich man. He has no nerve to face a life without riches. The rings on his finger and chain on his velvet mantle apart from tons of money are treasures he holds so dearly. These are his armor of riches, and he is too much of a coward to let go although he sees the distinctiveness of Christ. Read the story in Mark 10:17-27. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God,”(Mark 10:25, ESV). Hence, he became a slave to material things than a disciple of Christ.
Hi, we always sing, “Away in a manger” but do you know Jesus, “The child (paidion) grew and became strong, filled with wisdom (sophia), and the favor of God was upon him,” (Luke 2:40). This painting by Main Biggs portrayed the loving relationship between Joseph and Jesus in their carpenter’s workshop. This child was filled with God’s wisdom, and his eyes gazing into the deep things of God.
As we groom our kids, we must be mindful not to overload them with too many skills to acquire. Are we concern of his spiritual growth? Does he also have sufficient time to play (time of his own) and pray and read the Bible? “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor (charis) with God and man,” (Luke 2:52). What if your child gains the whole world, and loses his soul?
Sewaktu kawan-kawanku berdoa dan mengadakan renungan bersama, seorang kawan berdoa agar lebih berbuah tahun ini. Saya teringat Tuhan Yesus pernah memberi perumpamaan (parabole) tentang pokok ara yang diberikan kesempatan untuk berbuah. Kalau tahun lalu tidak berbuah, Tuhan Yesus bagi chance lagi, tahun ini buahnya mesti lebat. Tambahlah baja kepada kehidupan rohanimu. ,Apabila dia melihat hidupmu tahun ini, dan mencari buah-buahnya, apa kata-Nya Oh, “kai ouch heuren!” (Dia tidak menemukannya). Nescaya tahun ini boleh berbuah. Tolonglah jangan tebangku..berilah satu chance lagi, ya Tuhan Yesus…(Lukas 13:6-9)
What happened to the baby boy you celebrated at the manger on Christmas day? French Artist, Eugene Girardet, 19th century, interestingly portrayed the wearisome journey of Mary, Joseph and the little baby to Egypt King Herod had sent an edict that would also mean the killing of the Promised Child. If they had not taken action on the heavenly angel’s warning after Christmas, what would possibly unfold?
Look at the long sea of sand, the weary travelers and the fatigueless. They were travelling by night to avoid burning sands. With head down and ears up, the donkey was tired too. It’s probably dawn when they reached Egypt. As we journeyed into the new year, the trumpet of wars are blowing around the world. We must watch and pray for the world. Remember also,”when you pass through the waters, I (God) will be with you.” (Isaiah 43:2). Jesus went through tough days. He was already a fugitive when he was a baby! Happy New Year to you and your beloved ones.
Here’s a picture of a beautiful door in Penang. It reminds me, Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20, New International Version).
Here is a sad, but real, picture of professing Christians who have been keeping Christ outside the door of their hearts, and going through arid land for so long. He still makes plea to individual heart. Too busy? No time for Bible reading, worship and prayer?
Hope is the thing that perches in the soul and sing the tune without words and never stops at all. Emily Dickinson
Pengharapan itu terpaut pada jiwa dan bersorak irama tanpa kata dan tidak pernah akan berhenti.
May God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”(Romans 15:13)
“Semoga Allah sumber pengharapan, memenuhi kamu dengan segala sukacita dan damai sejahtera dalam iman kamu, supaya kekuatan Roh Kudus kamu berlimpah-limpah dalam pengharapan.”(Roma 15:13)
Foto: Joy Saga
Burung di Gopeng
This picture was drawn in 1832 by Count Von Ferdinand in Berlin. Can you see the cock on the grapevine, greeting dawn? Unaware of the moment of pain between Jesus Christ and Peter, the cock was goanna performed a pricking moment to fulfill a prophecy. Peter had earlier affirmed, “Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you! And all the disciples said the same.”(Matthew 26:35, ESV). Jesus had earlier said,”Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.”(Matthew 26:34, ESV). Now the cock on the vineyard was fulfilling the most pricking moment of denial. Imagine, the prick in Jesus’ heart, and the prick in Peter’s. Has the cock pricked your heart too? Sharp pricking moment?
Karya ini dilukiskan oleh Count Von Ferdinand di Berlin. Lihatkah ayam yang terperap di dahan anggur. Itu bukan kebetulan. Ayam ini akan menusuk hati Petrus dan Yesus dengan kokokannya. Bukankah Yesus sudah berkata kepada Petrus, “Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya malam ini, sebelum ayam berkokok, engkau telah menyangkal Aku tiga kali.”(Matius 2:35) Petrus berkata, “Sekalipun aku harus mati bersama-sama Engkau, aku takkan menyangkal Engkau.”(Matius 2:35, TBI). Sudah ayam berkokok bagimu? Tertusukkah?
By God’s strength we are able to perform the most difficult task even though we only have the ability for small ones. This is the law of grace.( John Owen)
Dengan kekuatan Allah, kita mampu melakukan tugas yang paling sulit sekalipun kita mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan yang kecil. Ini dipanggil hukum kurnia.” (John Owen)
I was reading, the second stanza of the hymn “Nearer, My God, To Thee” when a fresh fragrant of jasmine flowers from my sister’s garden lingered around my nose. These flowers bloomed and exuded its fragrance when the night deepened. Jacob was wrestling in his soul as the night deepened. He had just fled and became a wanderer with nowhere to lay his head. Second stanza, “My rest a stone; yet in my dreams I would be nearer God to Thee.” Here, in the darkness, was God’s fragrant comfort, and a way appear, as steps to heaven.” As darkness deepens around us, God will let down His ladder of comfort and untold mercies. Read: Genesis 28:10-22). The fragrant of comfort from His throne will be sweeter, as night deepens.
“As the night gets colder, God’s consolation becomes sweeter like the fragrance of jasmine”(Dr. Simon Choon Heng Wong).
Sewaktu aku sedang menghayati suatu stanza kidung agung, “Lebih Dekat Kepada-Mu”, aku terhidu suatu keharuman luarbiasa daripaga bunga jasmin. Keharuman ini hanya dirasai pada sebelah malam kerana bunga ini bermekar pada malam sahaja Sewaktu Yakub mengumul dalam jiwanya, dan hanya ada batu sebagai bantalnya, suatu tangga muncul dari syurga untuk menghibur dia(Kejadian 18:10-22). Sewaktu malam semakin dingin, penghiburan Tuhan, semakin manis, seperti keharuman bunga jasmin.
Tuhanku, aku sudah mencicipi kemanisan-Mu, dan jiwaku disenangi kehadiran-Mu. Namun, aku menyedari aku masih memerlukan anugerah-Mu, untuk dipenuhi kerinduan merindui saat bersama-Mu. Biarlahku tinggalkan lembah ini ke tempat yang lebih tinggi bersama-Mu. Biarlah jiwaku jangan layu tanpa air dan firman-Mu. “Jiwaku melekat kepada-Mu, tangan kanan-Mu menopang aku( Mazmur 63:8, TBI). Tuntunlah aku berjalan lebih dekat-Mu lagi.Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus. Amin. (Cameron Highlands, Malaysia)
“The mania to succeed is a good thing perverted. The desire to fulfill the purpose for which we were created is of course a gift from God, but sin has twisted this impulse about and turned it into a selfish lust for first place and top honors. By this lust the whole world of mankind is driven by a demon, and there is no escape.” (Born after midnight, A.W. Tozer).
Now coming to New Testament, we are driven to a totally higher level of thinking. Probe deep into Christ teaching and compare with the demon Tozer is speaking about, and you will be led to a whole new world. According to Christ, the poor in spirit are blessed; the meek inherit the earth; the first are last and the last first. The greatest man is the one who serve others. The one who loses everything will have everything at last…profound isn’t it for human beings on earth who are always scrambling to be super and first.
The weighing scale and abacus were the two instruments my father used for his business while he was on earth. As Christian, all our journey in life, is learning to weigh everything in His divine scale. It is not an easy task to see as God sees or feels. A tiny pebble may even sidetrack your thinking from the divine scale and tilt you. Deep reflection and constant application of Biblical truths is indeed a challenging journey. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than two edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of sprits, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the intentions of the heart”(Hebrews 4:12).
Ini adalah alat-alat yang digunakan ayahku sewaktu dia berniaga di dunia Saya tidak pernah belajar menggunakannya. Perjalanan seorang musafir Kristian di dunia diwarnai perjalanan belajar menimbang dan melihat daripada sudut pandangan ilahi dan alkitabiah. Satu batu kecil mungkin akan membuat kita tersandung kalau kita tidak memakai neraca ilahi kita (Ibrani 4:12).
Bernard Plohurst, the German painter, outshines in bringing naturalness and warmness against the dark cold night. He imagines a Shepherd’s family huddling in a corner (perhaps trembling). The shepherd’s dog was there to behold the joyous moment too. There is grace in the artistic stroke of the heavenly visitor. By a graceful touch together with an expression of ruggedness, the artist brings a powerful stroke, “Fear not, for I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord”(Luke 2:10).
Against a dark cold scene, glad tidings of great joy are streaming…
The veil between heaven and earth parted, the most important moment in history dawn. Sanzio Raphael from Germany (15th century)managed to capture the Child looking with wonder. A face the angels long to look at, and a Son prophets foretold long ago. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory,, glory as the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”(John 1:14, ESV). God became man that we may see the fullness of God. He is no alien but the greatest gift of God to men.
Tabir antara syurga dan bumi terbuka, saat sejarah yang penting menjelang…Santa Raphael dari Jerman melukiskan wajah seorang Anak yang melihat dengan takjub. Wajah yang lama dirindui malaikat-malaikat dan nabi-nabi. Bacalah Yohanes 1:14. Yesus menjadi manusia agar kita melihat keilahian yang sepenuhnya. Tuhan Yesus bukanlah alien tetapi pemberian Allah yang terbesar kepada manusia.
Winnie’s love for honey is amazing. He will do anything for honey. He would climb the big honey tree, and stick his nose into beehives. Finally, Winnie takes a shortcut. He invites himself to Mr. Rabbit’s house, where he gobbles down pots of honey. Yeah, swimming in the honey. Swimming far and wide. Open up my mouth…and let the honey flow…but it’s something sweeter than honey here. “How sweet are your words (the Bible) to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”(Psalm 119:103 NRSV).
Winnie sungguh cinta madu. Dia akan memanjat pokok dan memasukkan hidungnya ke sarang lebah untuk madu. Akhirnya, Winnie mengundang diri ke rumah Encik Arnab dan asyik menikmati madu sepanjang hari…Tetapi kamu boleh .menikmati yang lebih manis daripada madu.”Betapa manis firman-Mu bagi langit-langitku, lebih manis daripada madu bagi mulutku”(Mazmur 119:103), TBI
A lone firefly can’t shine brightly. But if the lone firefly joins the dance of a hundred fireflies, it can light up a forest. They can together dance powerfully and beautifully for the forest in the deep darkness of the night. As the night draws deep, send your light to each other, a word of comfort and a divine word you have received from the Lord. ” O sent out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling,” (Psalm 43:3).Let the light you receive shine to others.
Dansa Beratusan Kunang-Kunang
Seekor kunang-kunang tidak dapat memberi cahaya yang terang. Namun jika ia menyertai dansa beratusan kunang-kunang, cahayanya akan menyinari satu hutan yang gelap pekat. Sewaktu tabir malam menjelang, satu kata penghiburan atau firman Tuhan yang kauterima bolehlah dibagi-bagikan sesama dan menyinari malam gelap, ” Suruhlah terang-Mu dan kesetiaan-Mu datang, supaya aku dituntun dan dibawa ke gunung-Mu yang kudus dan ke tempat kediaman-Mu!” (Mazmur 43:3). Biar terang yang kamu terima bersinar kepada yang lain.
Kali terakhir saya melayani firman Tuhan persis sebelum ‘lockdown. Walau sekian lama tidak ke gereja SIB Sungai Buluh, mereka tetap dalam doaku. Gereja yang mengharungi banyak cabaran dan airmata namun tetap tabah dan hangat obor imannya.
Nabi Elia datang bagai badai dan tinggal bagai puting beliung. Teladan pahlawan rohani ini meninggalkan teladan seorang hamba yang setia mendengar suara Tuhan, berdoa dan menunggu saat Tuhan dalam setiap selok belok pelayanannya. Setelah berjaya menurunkan api dari syurga untuk membakar korban sembelihan lembu di depan mata raja Ahab, Izebel, nabi-nabi Baal dan umat Israel. Elia mencabar, “Berapa lama lama lagi kamu berlaku timpang dan bercabang hati. Kalau Tuhan Allah ikutlah dia.” Tetapi rakyat tidak menjawab sepatah kata pun.”(1 Raja-Raja 18:21). Baca 1Raja-Raja 17, 18 dan melihat bagaimana Elia mendatangkan kebangunan rohani dan menegakkan mazbah Tuhan semula.
Queen Elizabeth II once said, “For me the teachings of Christ and my personal accountability before God provide a framewaork in which I try to lead my life.”
“For me, the life of Jesus Chrisr, the Prince of Peace is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022
Ratu Elizabeth kedua pernah berkata, “Bagiku ajaran Kristus and pertanggunjawaban peribadiku di hadirat Allah menyediakan rangka untuk menuntun hidupku.”
“Bagiku, hidup Yesus Kristus, Putera Damai adalah inspirasi dan sauh hidupku. Ratu Elizabeth II, 1926-2022 (So many people feel they lost a mother, grandmother and great grandmother)
I am having breakfast, and also wondering why this roasted crunchy peanut (butter) crushed on the sunny Hibiscus Coast of New Zealand is called Forty Thieves. A friend said it’s so delicious, liken to the treasure found in Ali Baba’s Caves. Reflecting upon stealing, it is an act of betrayal…If you steal kampung eggs from your neighbor, you are betraying your neighbor. Judas betrayed His God and Master when He gave the most bitter kiss to his Master for some money. One of the Ten Commandments, “You shall not steal”(Exodus 20:15). Also, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”(Exodus 20:16). Can one lie, if the auditing clearly shows the money has gone into your account?
Aku sedang bersarapan dan sedang tertanya-tanya, “Kenapa peanut butter ini dipanggil Forty Thieves” (Empat Puluh Penyangak). Mungkinkah Peanut Butter ini terlalu sedap sehingga mencuri hatimu? Baru semalam, aku sibuk mendengar al kisah Ali Baba… Mencuri itu suatu pengkhianatan. Kalau awak mencuri telur dari kampungmu, itu mengkhianat jiranmu. Sejak awal-awal, Allah sudah memberi Sepuluh Hukum. Salah satunya, “Jangan Mencuri”(Keluaran 20:15). Kalau wang sudah masuk akaun kita, sulitlah kita berbohong lagi. Peanut Butter Forty Thieves memang agak sedap.
When you take your daily work as a divine calling, you will turn the ordinary into extraordinary. God works through people who are in the most ordinary stations of life. Do not drag your feet to work. Don’t think your work is not important. Everything you do, do it for the glory of God. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God,”(1 Corinthians 10:31, ESV) … When you pray, “Give me this day my daily bread.” See, God is using a farmer to work out His will for your daily provision. Happy working today ya, smile!
Tatkala anda menganggap pekerjaan sehari-harianmu sebagai panggilan ilahi, nescaya anda akan mengubah yang biasa-biasa kepada yang luarbiasa. Allah menggunakan orang yang berada di tempat yang sederhana juga. Jangan seret kakimu untuk bekerja. Jangan sekali-kali berfikir kerjamu itu tidak penting. Setiap yang kauusahakan, biar itu demi kemuliaan Allah. “JIKA engkau makan atau jika minum, atau jika engkau melakukan sesuatu lain, lakukanlah semua untuk kemuliaan Allah.”(1 Korintus 10:31, TBI). Sewaktu anda berdoa, “Berilah kami ini makanan.” Tuhan sedang menggunakan seorang petani untuk menjawab doamu.”Nunu nopo o wonosoion nu do makan ko tuu ko minum nga woisoion ngai nori do popoinggayo’d Kinorohingan.”(1 Korintus 10:31, Dusun Bible, BSM).
Two greetings I almost forget. Happy National Day to Singaporeans and future Singaporeans. May God bestow manifold blessings, and grant your heart’s desire, “Stronger together, majulah.”
Happy Indigenous People’s Day (Selamat Hari Orang Asli/Asal Sedunia). May you continue to shine as gems of the land, and be blessed by God in special ways. Let the beauty of your culture, your people and land be protected by God. Pope Francis said,” We must ensure the indigenous people don’t lose their roots and always drink from their own fountains.”
Kiranya engkau bersinar bagai intan-intan tanah ini, dan diberkati Allah dengan istimewa. Biarlah keindahan kebudayaan, suku-sukumu dan tanahmu dilindungi Allah. Pope Francis berkata,”Kita mesti memastikan orang asli tidak kehilangan akar mereka dan senantiasa meneguk dari sumber mata air sendiri.”
Mentari menceriakan hatiku, dan bebunga melambai-lambai melalui jendela bersih. Awan pun berdansa dan mengajak aku bersukacita dalam Tuhan Yesus selalu. Dari jendela, aku menghayati keindahan hujan dan menikmati angin. Burung yang berterbangan bebas mengajak aku memberi diriku waktu bersantai…
Kalau jendela kita gelap dan kotor, semua ini hanya kabur saja. Demikian juga jendela hati, “Bagi orang suci semuanya suci; tetapi bagi orang najis dan orang tidak beriman suatu pun tidak ada yang suci, kerana baik akal mahupun suara hati mereka najis,”(Titus 1:15). Orang tertentu mungkin banyak peraturan namun jendela hatinya kabur…ini najis, itu najis…ah… Hati menjadi jendela indah ketika kita merenungi akan keajaiban Allah dan firman-Nya.
Thank you, Lord for the miracles and mercy You have done in Sarawak. Bless the families whom You have chosen aa a heritage. May your mercy and living water forever flow in this land. Empower your people and let the flame of faith burn brightly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Terima Kasih Tuhan atas mukjizat dan rahmat yang Engkau curahkan atas Sarawak. Berkati keluarga yang Engkau pilih sebagai pusaka-Mu. Kiranya rahmat-Mu dan air hidup tetap mengalir di tanah ini. Penuhilah umat-Mu dengan Roh Kudus-Mu dan biarlah nyala iman tetap bersinar mulia. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, Amen.
In the world that has been shaken, a flower is still blooming warmly. Music still sings from the ground as God showers His sunlit and rain. Let hope and faith still bloom and His presence a continous sunlit from heaven in your heart. Praying that God keeps you blooming this season…”Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:3, ESV).
Di dunia yang tergoncang oleh kemelut semasa, sekuntum bunga manis bermekar indah. Irama berkumandang dari tanah. Tuhan menghujaninya dan menyinarinya. Semoga harapan dan imanmu bermekar dan kehadiran-Nya seperti sinaran syurgawi di hatimu. “Semoga Allah, sumber pengharapan, memenuhi kamu dengan segala sukacita dan damai sejahtera dalam iman kamu, supaya oleh kekuatan Roh Kudus kamu berlimpah-limpah dalam pengharapan (Roma 15:3, TBI).
Flower from Melody Tan’s garden.
As we ponder, we have received an ocean of His grace in our life. The free air, sunshine and water that never fail to reach us. The jewels of fond memories that we string on our memory necklace. And by special grace, Jesus, the word become flesh and dwelt among us. Through His special grace, we see the fullness of God. By His everlasting mercy and continuing grace, He continues to abide in us through His Holy Spirit, that we should not be orphan in facing the torrents. “For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace,” (John 1:16).
Selautan Anugerah-Nya
Merenungi hidupku, aku yakin aku sudah menerima selautan anugerah-Nya. Udara segar, mentari, air dan nafas hidup, tidak pernah kesuntukan walau sesaat pun. Mutiara-mutiara peristiwa penting dalam kalunganku, itu pun daripada-Nya. Anugerah lepas anugerah. Dan melalui anugerah khusus dan istimewa, Yesus, firman-Nya menjadi manusia dan tinggal di kalangan manusia. Dia terus tinggal bersama kita, kasih kurnia-Nya, tidak kehabisan. Diutus-Nya Roh Kudus agar kita tidak menjadi anak yatim untuk menghadapi gelombang-gelombang hidup. “Kerana dari kepenuhan-Nya kita semua telah menerima kasih kurnia demi kasih kurnia (Yohanes 1:16).
Perumpamaan bererti perbandingan iaitu rahsia Kerajaan Allah yang diumpamakan dalam satu cerita. Penabur di sini adalah Tuhan dan benih-benih firman Allah. Tuhanlah yang membawa keajaiban sehingga firman yang ditabur’-Nya berlipat ganda hasilnya. Namun hendaklah “akoueto”(mendengar) itu mesti hyper hearing sehingga firman-Nya boleh menembusi hati dan mendatangkan keajaiban karya Allah. Tuhan Yesus mengutip Yesaya 6:9-10 Banyak yang mendengar namun berat telinga, tumpul hati dan buta rohani. Maka benih-benih yang ditaburi terbantut, tercekik, dan layu, tidak ada hasil. Barangsiapa ada telinga biarlah akoueto (listen baik baik dan bertumbuh)…akoueto (bahasa Yunani bererti mendengar…ya akoueto bukan bak kut teh….Jangan biarkan firman Tuhan dipatuk burung-burung(iblis), atau cepat bertumbuh namun layu(kerana kesusahan)….biar firman Allah berakar dalam diri-Mu dan bertumbuh pesat….(khutbah minggu ini). Lagu Iban dan Murut. Merdu memang.
“Berbahagialah orang yang akan dijamu dalam Kerajaan Allah”(Matius 14:15). Namun banyak yang diundang memberi alasan tidak mahu datang, dan kehilangan kesempatan menikmati jamuan-Nya. Adakah mereka memberi alasan baikkah tidak menerima undangan Tuhan Yesus? Alasan yang diberikan mereka yang diundang tidak masuk akal. Masakan orang swipe credit card baru pergi check tanah dan lembu yang dibeli? Masakan ada isteri jadi tidak dapat menerima undangan Tuhan? Memang orang yang tidak menerima undangan Tuhan ada banyak alasan. Pokoknya banyak urusan sendiri, terlalu sibuk dan tidak ada kerinduan kerana hatinya terlalu bercabang-cabang. Oh, ada girlfriend, terlalu sibuk. Oh, ada banyak assigments, sorry ya. Oh, baru ada karier, sorry ya. Oh, lutut dah bergoyah, tak larat datang…
Selama 40 hari setelah kebangkitan-Nya, Yesus membuka minda murid-murid-Nya untuk mengerti Kitab-kitab iaitu seluruh rencana Allah, and nubuat para nabi. Kini Yesus akan naik ke syurga dan meninggalkan kawan-kawan-Nya. Pelukis Jerman, Gottlieb Peter Biermann (1758), melukiskan hati Yesus pada saat ini. Mata-Nya memandang ke bawah dengan penuh kasih sayang, dan tangan-Nya sedang memberkati semua pengikut yang di bumi.”Lalu Yesus membawa mereka ke luar kota sampai dekat Betania. Di situ Dia mengangkat tangan-Nya dan memberkati mereka. Ketika Dia sedang memberkati mereka, Dia berpisah daripada mereka dan terangkat ke syurga,”(Lukas 24:50-51). Mereka juga diarahkan agar ke Yerusalem untuk menunggu kedatangan Roh Kudus. Mereka kembali ke Yerusalem dengan sukacita yang amat besar. Kiranya sukacita memenuhi hatimu, Yesus yang naik akan kembali lagi.
Dear Jesus, in whose life I see fragrance and beauty,
All that I would be, yet fail to be,
Let Thy sunshine shine forever,
And let this life a fragrant be.
Yesus Kekasih, kulihat keharuman dan keindahan hidup-Mu,
Namun semuanya ku tak tergapai,
Biarlah sinaranmu bersinar terus,
Agar jiwa ini menjadi harum.
(Tan Hwee Yong; flowers from Eileen’s garden)
Pada suatu hari, kawan-kawan baik Tuhan Yesus menghantar berita bahawa Lazarus sedang sakit tenat. Tuhan Yesus sengaja tidak pergi sehingga dua hari kemudian, bahkan Dia berkata, “Penyakit ini tidak membawa kematian, tetapi akan menyatakan kemuliaan Allah, sebab oleh penyakit itu Anak Allah akan dimuliakan”(Yohanes 11:4). Tuhan Yesus berkata Lazarus sudah tertidur lalu berterus terang bahawa Lazarus sudah mati. Sampai hati, ya Yesus membiarkan Lazarus yang dikasihi-Nya mati!” Lazarus sudah mati bagaimana kemuliaan Allah dinyatakan pula? Lazarus sudah di kuburlah Yesus… Tuhan Yesus, Lazarus itu tidur atau mati?”
Tunggu, jangan membuat kesimpulan. Penghembusan nafas terakhir dan kata-kata terakhir bukan terakhir sebenarnya. Tuhan Yesus akan membawa tanda terbesar bukan sahaja kepada Maria dan Marta, atau penduduk kampung Betania, bahkan kepada seluruh dunia, “Akulah kebangkitan dan hidup; barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku dia akan hidup walaupun dia sudah mati, dan setiap orang yang hidup dan yang percaya kepada-Ku tidak akan mati selama-lamanya”(Yohanes 11:25-26).
These hands were the hands of a person who worked so hard scrubbing, dish washing, and scrubbing the floor. The Prayings hands were drawn by German artist, Albrecht Durer. As a young boy, Albert, always wanted to draw and paint. He wanted to study under a great artist but his daddy had too many kids and very little money. Albert found a friend who also wanted to learn art also. The two pulled their resources, and yet, the struggle to earn enough money and study art, had been so difficult, to the point of both giving up. His friend said, “Let us try another way. One of us work, and another study. I must be the one who work as I am older, and less talented.”
Albert acquired great skill in his art finally and said, “Now, its time for me to be the breadwinner, and my friend can pick up art again!” But lo and behold, hard work had stiffened his friend’s hands, and his twisted fingers can no longer hold the brush.” Albert was filled with great sorrow; he could give money to his friend but not art. One day, as he entered his house, he heard his friend praying, the work worn hands folded reverently. A great thought inspired him, “I can never give back the lost skill of those hands. I can show the world the feeling of love and gratitude which is in my heart for his noble deed. I will paint his hands as they are now, folded in prayer, anf the world shall know my appreciation for a noble, unselfish character. It maybe be that when people look at the picture they will remember with love and devotion all hands that toil for others, and like me express in some beautiful way their appreciation for such beautiful service.”
So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (John 20: 25)
Honestly, all of us have our moments of scepticism and doubts, but we have hidden it well within our spiritual garment.” There are moments we are like doubting Thomas, and in the silence of our closet we cried, “Unless I see the Lord.” It’s such a foggy season, and there is such an overcast of covid19 over the world. Was it a dream that we are traversing this journey, something as grim as a pandemic? We may be struggling with an emotion of fatalism in our soul.
Let’s reflect on Thomas and his journey of faith.
Once, when Jesus and his disciples heard about their friend Lazarus’s death near Jerusalem, Thomas said with a gloomy note, “Yes, let’s go there that we might die with him.” Probably, we too maybe invaded by such gloomy note, “When would I be infected by this invisible virus?”
When all the disciples had seen the resurrected Lord, Thomas truly doubted they had seen the risen Lord. The image of the dying Lord could have cast a deep doubt in Thomas. With icy coldness in his breath, he said, “…Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (John 20:25)
A week later his disciples were again in the house and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:26) Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:27-28)
His strong encounter with the Lord turned him into a powerful witness of the risen Lord, and he even sailed to Malabar, India and established the Mar Thoma church.
Thomas gave us an insight. Jesus Christ is My Lord and God in my darkest moment. Doubting Thomas uttered the greatest confession of faith in moments of deepest doubt, “My Lord and my God!” (Tan Hwee Yong) Bible verses quoted from NRSV
This supper story in the walk to Emmaus was presented in an outstanding graphic presentation by Rudolf Eichtsedt, a German painter(1856). Could you see Jesus enveloped in mistiness?
On that day, two disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus, a two hour walk. They were discussing about the sad things that had recently happened. Then the risen Saviour drew near, and asked what were they talking about. They couldn’t recognise the Risen Saviour, and shared their sadness over Christ’s death. Jesus told them,” O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer all these thingdsand enter into glory? And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He interpreted to them all the Scriptures the things concerning Him.”(Luke 24:26-37). Jesus went with them, and had supper with them. They soon realised it was the risen Lord and as He explained the plan of God, their hearts burned within.
Dengan seekor keldai seperti aku, Dia memberitakan pengharapan dan damai. Hatiku tidak cuit cuit lagi tetapi terharu oleh kerendahan hati Yesus, bahkan Dia merendahkan diri sehingga mati di salib.” Dan dalam keadaan sebagai manusia, Dia merendahkan diri-Nya dan taat sampai mati di kayu salib,” lFilipi 2:8). Eeaw…eeaw…Tuhan Yesus memenuhi nubuat nabi Zakharia…eeaw…eeaw
German Painter, Johanan R. Wehle, is able to capture the mood naturally. The Pharisees in the foreground shows strong displeasure at John, who is plucking some grains as he is hungry. Is it not lawful to pluck some grains and eat on Sabbath? Again, Jesus is patiently telling the Pharisees, He cares for men rather than manifying rituals. Jesus says, “The Son of Man is lord of Sabbath.”(Luke 6:5). Here again Jesus states His authority over the observance of the Sabbath. Sabbath is for men, and not men for Sabat. The more the Pharisees dogged after Jesus for details, the more they reveal their teaching is not for men, but fit for stones.
Fritz (a German)caught the theme Christ as head of our home. He has just entered a humble home of a farmer. The man of the home is inviting the Lord Jesus to dine in their simple and frugal meal. In the background was a boy watching with shy interest, and the tiniest tot peeking with curiosity. A heartfelt hospitality was extended by this family. Do you acknowledge Christ as the head of your home?”For the husband is head of wife, as also Christ is the head of the church(home also) and He is the Saviour of the body”(Ephesians 5:23, NkJV).
Fritz, pelukis Jerman, dengan arif melukiskan Tuhan Yesus sebagai kepala keluarga kita. Dia baru saja masuk ke sebuah rumah seorang petani. Kepala keluarga itu dengan keramahan mesra mengundang Yesus Kristus untuk makan malam yang sederhana. Di latarbelakangnya, anak lelaki melihat Yesus dengan tersipu-sipu, dan seorang bayi kecil melihat dengan penuh minat. Keluarga ini menyambut Kristus dengan hati ikhlas. Sudikah kamu mengundang Kristus bukan sebagai tamu saja tetapi sebagai kepala keluargamu? “Kerana suamimu adalah kepala isteri (keluarga juga) sama seperti Kristus kepala jemaah (keluarga juga).”(Efesus 5:23).
Lord of heaven and earth, Lord of all, be a light for Ukraine in their darkest moment. Do not let evil triumph and let not the flood of injustice engulf them. Hover your wings over them like a jealous mother eagle over its young. Snatch them away from the jaw of the ravaging enemies. Comfort fearful hearts and surround them with your divine protection. Be their rock, fortress, deliverer, shield and a stronghold (Psalm 18:3). Give wisdom to those in position to make swift decision in this very dangerous hour. Who shall we turn to, except the Lamb of God, to whom all authority belongs, and who reigns as King of kings. Amen.
Tuhan langit dan bumi, Tuhan segala makhluk, jadilah terang bagi Ukraine di saat yang paling gelap ini. Jangan biarkan kejahatan menang dan ketidakadilan membanjiri negara ini. Tebarkan sayap-Mu bagai induk rajawali yang cemburu atas semua anak-Mu. Gembala Baik, ragutlah mereka daripada cengkaman musuh. Hiburkan setiap hati yang takut dan jadilah benteng, pelepas, gunung batu dan kubu kekuatan mereka (Mazmur 18:3). Kepada siapakah dapar kami seru, selain daripada Domba Allah, kepada-Nyalah segala kuasa. Engkaulah yang bertakhta sebagai Raja atas segala raja.
This is a favourite scene of many classical artists; it portrays an eye opening divine conversation flowing even beside a well.
As the Lord Jesus crossed the land of Samaria, He stopped by the wayside well. While he was resting, a Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus asked, “Give me a drink.” She was surprise, howbeith a Jew should asked a Samaritan woman for a drink. And Jesus said,”If thou knowest the gift of God, and who it is that saith unto thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water.” But the woman remarked that the well is deep and He had nothing to draw the water.
Jesus answered,”whoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of living water, springing up into everlasting life.”
Then Jesus replied, “Go, call thy husband, and come hither.” Embarassed, the woman replied, “I have no husband.” Jesus said, “Thou saidst well, I have no husband: for thou hast five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband; in that thou saidst truly.”
Perceiving this stranger to be different, she asked, “Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and Ye say (the Jews) that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” Jesus replied that it is neither this mountain, nor the one in Jerusalem but that God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. In true humiliation and awe, the woman confessed,”I know that the Messiah cometh, which is called Christ; and when he come, He will tell us all things.”
Artist George Cornicelius portrays the Master as sitting on a low stool near a table on which we see some fruits. Here comes bustling Martha, the busy housekeeper who has tons of work in the kitchen. We see the artist skifully portrays Mary with downcast eyes, feeling ashamed that Marta is accusing her of neglecting her housework. To show the difference, the artists shows the Master raises his eyes and said, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; but one thing is needful:for Mary has chosen the good portion which shall not be taken away from her,”(Luke 10:42). Man shall not live by bread alone, there are manna for spiritual discovery which need us to put aside our buzzing schedule to read the Bible. A discipline which Jesus terms as a better portion for Mary and Marta. Are we missing the bettèr portion?
Pelukis George Cornicelius melukiskan Tuhan Yesus sedang duduk di kerusi rendah dan buah-buahan di meja. Datanglah Marta yang cukup sibuk…cili belum ditumbuk dan ikan belum disiang, dan bulu ayam belum dicabut. Maria menunduk dengan malu kerana Marta tidak senang dia meluangkan waktu untuk mendengar kepada ajaran Yesus, dan tidak membantu di dapor. Tuhan Yesus mengangkat mata dan kata kepada Maria, “Marta, Marta engkau khuatir dan menyusahkan diri d.engan banyak perkara, tetapi hanya satu diperlu:Maria telah memilih bahagian terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil daripadanya.”(Lukas 10:41-42). Setiap hari kita ada banyak manna rohani untuk dipungut, namun kita terlalu sibuk. Hilangkah kita bahagian yang manis itu?
Fear of ravening wolves? Fear of dark windy valleys ahead of you? Fear of the icy howling wind? O let the tender whisper of Christ comfort evermore,”I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own and my own know me”(John 10:10). The Good Shepherd walks before you. Fear not.
Takut akan serigala-serigala yang berkeliaran ganas? Takut akan lembah bengkang-bengkok yang akan kautempuhi? Angin dingin yang menusuk? Biarlah bisikan lembut Tuhan Yesus menghibur hatimu,”Aku Gembala yang baik dan Aku mengenal domba-dombaku dan domba-dombaku mengenal aku” (Yohanes 10:14). Gembala baik berjalan di depanmu. Jangan takut.
In 1956, a French painter Paul Hippolyte Flandrin, captured a homey Jesus with great love for children in his masterpiece. In this attractive painting, He stopped by the wayside home of labouring class’s children and spent time with them. In the background, a mother is trying to calm her fretful baby. Jesus loves the little children of the world. Pray for our children as they suffer much this season, they are sometimes fretful. Your child would probably spend much time at home. Here is the precious opportunity to ground them in God’s words.
Pada tahun 1956, pelukis Perancis, Paul Hippolyte, berjaya menggambarkan Yesus yang sungguh mencintai anak-anak, dan acapkali bertemu dengan anak-anak di lorong-lorong rumah. Di latarbelakangnya juga dia dengan menarik melukiskan seorang ibu cuba menenangkan bayinya yang menangis. Doakanlah anak-anak yang banyak menderita. Anak-anakmu akan bersamamu di rumah banyak waktu. Inilah kesempatan baik untuk menaburi firman Tuhan.
While Paul (previously known as Saul of Tarsus) was hot on his heels breathing threats and murder against followers of Christ, he encountered the powerful Saviour. “Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”…And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”(Acts 9:3-4). Despite all his knowledge as a sceptical Pharisee, he could not deny the power of Christ, and his blinding power. “Saul rose from the ground, and although his eyes were opened, he saw nothing…”(He was instructed by Christ to ask Ananias to restore his eyesight). An enemy’s heart was changed. From a fiery persecutor, he became the prominent Apostle Paul who wrote many epistles.
Ketika Paulus (dikenali Saulus Tarsus) sedang menghembuskan ugutan pembunuhan terhadap para pengikut Kristus, dia bertemu dengan Juruselamat yang penuh kuasa…” Dalam perjalanannya ke Damsyik, ketika sudah dekat kota itu, tiba-tiba cahaya memancar dari langit mengelilingi dia. Dia rebah ke tanah dan kedengaran olehnya suatu suara yang berkata kepadanya, ” Saulus, Saulus mengapa engkau menganiaya Aku?” ….Akulah Yesus yang kauaniaya itu “(Kisah Para Rasul 9:3-4). Paulus juga kehilangan penglihatannya, namun dia disuruh oleh Yesus untuk berjumpa Ananias, supaya disembuhkan…Hati seorang musuh berubah daripada penganiaya berkorbar-korbar, menjadi Rasul Paulus yang berbobot, yang menulis banyak surat dalam Alkitab.
O Tuhan, Pemberi Hidup,
Berilah aku kekuatan untuk mengharungi jalan yang berliku-liku ini. Ya, Engkau boleh melihat semua batu dan jalan yang licin. Berilah aku air-Mu sewaktu aku penat dan dahaga. Angkatlah jari-Mu agar tahun depan, biar aku lebih bermekar lagi. Biar Ros Sharon (Tuhan Yesus) menjadi ilhamku setiap saat. Sembunyikan aku di bawah sayap-Mu ketika aku gentar. Biarlah aku hanya melihat Engkau sahaja tahun depan. Amin. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus yang mengasihiku.
O Lord, giver of life. Bestow Thy strength as your servant traverse this rough patch. Its a stony and windy pathway. Smite Thou the water for me in waterless patch, when I am weary and dry. Lift Thy finger that I might bloom again next year. Let the Rose of Sharon be my inspiration always. Hide me under your wings, when I tremble. Let me turn my eyes upon Jesus only in this new coming year. Amen, In Jesus’s name.
(Pusaka Musafir, Upstream)
“Sorry no room!
No room, no room sorry.
The inn is full,
Yes overflowing.
Poor Mary and Joseph,
Where would they go?
Would you bid them to go if you know you would have the great honour of hosting the King of kings? When God decided to make himself known in a special way when He saw the sins and sorrow on earth? Not in splendour royal robes but as a child? Would you bid him go? Sorry my heart is overflow with??? Sorry no room! Have you any room for Jesus this season. ” And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn,”(Lukas 2:7).
Maaf dah penuh! Ya semua bilik penuh…hotel dah penuh. Kesian, manakah Maria dan Yusuf akan pergi? Adakah kamu akan menyuruh mereka pergi kalau kamu tahu yang datang itu Raja atas segala raja? Tuhan sudah datang ke bumi kerana melihat duka dan dosa manusia? Tuhan Yesus yang datang bukan dengan mahkota dan jubah raja tetapi sebagai bayi? Adakah musim ini kamu akan menyuruh Yesus pergi? Benarkah hatimu dah full? “Dan dia melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, anaknya sulung, lalu dibungkusnya dengan lampin dan dibaringkannya du dalam palungan, kerana tidak ada tempat bagi mereka di rumah penginapan,”(Lukas 2:7).
A struggle developed in Joseph’s emotion because of Mary’s pregnancy. As he was a gentleman, He finally resolved to send her away privily. An angel appeared and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:20). Joseph was a godly man, when he woke up, he did as commanded by the angel.
Joseph was an obedient man and he was always prompt in taking action. He followed what the angel said after the baby Jesus was born. They fled to Egypt. Subsequently King Herod ordered mass killings of baby in Bethlehem for the fear of the birth of the New King. This incident fulfilled the prophecy of Jeremiah about weeping heard in the land.
Joseph was also a man who graciously accepted his mission. After some time, the angel ordered Joseph to bring the baby back to the land of Israel. Joseph obeyed the voice of the angel. By his prompt action, the prophecy by Isaiah that Jesus would be called the Nazarene was fulfilled.
Suatu kegelisahan perasaan timbul tatkala Yusuf ketahui bahawa Maria sudah hamil. Namun seorang malaikat memberitahu dia, ”Yusuf, anak Daud, janganlah engkau takut mengambil Maria sebagai isterimu, sebab anak yang di dalam kandungannya adalah dari Roh Kudus” (Matius 1:19). Yusuf segera menuruti yang diperintahkan oleh malaikat.
Yusuf segera mengambil keluarganya ke Mesir tatkala malaikat memberi amaran kerana raja Herodus akan membunuh bayi secara besar-besaran. ”Bangunlah, ambillah Anak itu serta ibu-Nya, larilah ke Mesir dan tinggallah di sana sampai Aku berfirman kepadamu, karena Herodes akan mencari Anak itu untuk membunuh Dia (Matius 2:13).” Nubuat Yeremia tentang pembunuhan ini terjadi dan Yusuf menyelamatkan keluarganya kerana cepat bertindak.
Setelah beberapa edaran waktu, malaikat suruh mereka kembali ke tanah Israel, Yusuf segera menuruti. Nubuat nabi Yesaya bahawa Yesus dipanggil Orang Nazaret.
Pada musim Covid 19, kita memerlukan bapa yang bijaksana, sudi menolong anak-anak belajar dan memberi bimbingan rohani. Bapa yang saleh mendatangkan perbezaan besar kepada keluarga.
Red Indians named their babies after the first thing they saw when their baby was born. Hence, there are interesting names like eagle, strong bull, buffalo etc. Back in my village in Muar, some Chinese named their children big eye, dog, crocodile, big nose but some search for sophisticated Chinese names.
The name Jesus was not given by His earthly parents but announced by the angels. The angel tell Joseph, “She will bear a son, and you shall give him the name Jesus (Saviour) for he will save his people from sins (Matthew 1:21). Besides saving us from sins, we are assured of Divine presence this season, “The virgin will conceive and bear a son, and he shall be called Emmanuel which means God is with us.” (Matthew 1:23). He is also known as the Son of the Most High. Jesus main mission to save us from sins was preannounced by the angels even before His birth. Nobody else mission in the world was preannounced by the angels. Whose birth and mission were preannounced by prophets of old and angels? I marvel…
Bahasa Malaysia
Orang Red Indians menamakan bayi yang baru dilahirkan dengan benda yang mereka pertama lihat setelah bayi itu lahir. Maka ada nama yang menarik seperti Helang, Mata keldai, Bunga matahari dan sebagainya.
Nama Yesus tidak diberikan oleh ibu bapanya tetapi diumumkan oleh malaikat kepada Yusuf. ” Dia akan melahirkan anak laki-laki dan engkau akan menamakan Dia Yesus, kerana Dialah yang akan menyelamatkan umat-Nya dari dosa mereka. (Matius 1:21)” Nama Yesus dan misi-Nya di dunia sudah diumumkan. Selain itu malaikat berkata, ”Sesungguhnya, anak dara itu akan mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, dan mereka akan menamakan Dia Imanuel” – yang bererti: Allah menyertai kita” (Matius 1:23). Musim ini Tuhan Yesus masih menyertai kita. Siapakah yang hari lahir dan misi-Nya di dunia sudah diumumkan sebelum dia datang ke dunia? Nama-Nya Yesus.
While shepherds were watching their flock by night, they were chosen to witness the first heavenly carol. An angel announced to them that in the city of David, a Saviour who is Christ the Lord is born. Suddenly, a multitude of heavenly host with the angel started praising,”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those he is pleased!”(Luke 2:14). The fearful shepherds were transformed with great joy, and they went in haste to worship the Messiah, Saviour.
We may not have the priviledge to be in the front row to witness this choir. But once we humble our heart to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth, the majestic heavenly choir will begin again in your heart, dispelling fear.
Di suatu daerah, beberapa gembala sedang menjaga kawanan ternak mereka. Tiba-tiba satu malaikat mengumumkan kelahiran Juruselamat di Kota Daud. Setelah itu, tampak bala tentera syurga yang menyanyi kidung agung natal pertama dengan kemuliaan terang,”Kemuliaan bagi Allah di tempat yang mahatinggi dan damai sejahtera di bumi di antara manusia yang berkenan kepada-Nya”(Lukas 2:14). Gembala-gembala yang takut berubah dan menjadi sungguh gembira. Mereka berlari-lari menyembah bayi di palungan.
Hari ini kita mungkin tidak ada kesempatan menyaksi kidung agung syurgawi yang begitu mulia. Namun kalau kita merendahkan hati untuk menyembah Kristus, kidung agung syurgawi mengalun lagi, menenangkan hati yang takut.
Christmas is approaching. You will see the whole town magnified in brightness and beauty. I wouldn’t advice you to spend hours outdoor mulling at beautiful Christmas trees. It would be more meaningful and safer to spend Christmas in quiet contemplation like Mary.
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has looked on the humble estate of his servant.” (Luke 1:46). It was an outburst of joy in her soul. She rejoiced deeply because God in His mighty power, mercy, and holiness had performed a great deed. He had given her and the world a Saviour. She did not magnify her own greatness but rather contemplated on God’s greatness. Despite her lowly estate, a humble peasant girl, God had grant her this honour to fulfill a promise to Abraham and his offspring.
Bahasa Malaysia
Menjelang Hari Natal seluruh Malaysia akan diterangi dengan keindahan luarbiasa. Namun saya menasihati kamu untuk merenungi erti Natal dengan diam-diam di ruangan sunyimu.
Maria berkata, “Jiwaku memuliakan Tuhan, dan hatiku bergembira kerana Allah, Juruselamatku” (Lukas 1: 46). Jiwanya mencurahkan kesukaan kerana atas kuasa, rahmat dan kekudusan-Nya, suatu perbuatan besar telah dilakukan. Jiwa Maria meninggikan nama-Nya kerana dia dan seisi dunia telah dikurniakan Juruselamat. Dia telah ingat akan perjanjian dengan Abraham dan keturunannya, dan memperhatikan kerendahan hamba-Nya. (Pusaka Musafir, Upstream Publishing)
A great heavenly mission came to a humble peasant girl. How will this be? How is it that Mary from a humble homeland in Nazaret had found favour in the eyes of the Almighty?
How will this be? Moreover, she was a virgin. The angel said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the one to be born will be called Son of God.”(Luke 1:36). Yes, in humble submission and great delight, though with trembling fear too, Mary accepted this great plan of God. She said, “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered, “May it be to me as you had said. Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:38).NIV With a servant heart, she was ready to accomplish this long awaited promise.
Bagaimana Ini Mungkin?
Panggilan syurgawi yang sekian besar datang ke seorang gadis yang di luarbandar? Bagaimana mungkin Maria dari tempat terpencil seperti Nazaret diperkenan oleh Yang Maha Kuasa untuk misi yang dinanti-nantikan sejak purbakala?
Bagaimana ini mungkin? Apalagi Maria seorang anak dara! Jawab malaikat itu kepadanya, “Roh Kudus akan atasmu dan kuasa Allah Yang Mahatinggi akan menuangi engkau; sebab itu anak yang akan kaulahirkan itu akan disebut kudus, Anak Allah,” (Lukas 1:35, TBI). Maria menerima panggilan syurgawi yang begitu hebat. Maria dengan rendah hati dan rasa gentar bercampuran takjub berkata, “Sesungguhnya aku ini adalah hamba Tuhan; jadilah padaku menurut perkataanmu itu.” Lalu malaikat itu meninggalkan dia (Lukas 1:38). Dengan hati seorang hamba, dia sudi dan bersedia menerima panggilan syurgawi ini.
Tiba tiba suatu tangan muncul di istana Raja dan menulis men’e, men’e, tek’el ufarsin. Belsyazar dan semua tetamu terhormat tergempar. Ada tahyulkah? Kutianak? Tahyul mahu ikut minum wain anggur istanakah?
Belsyazar segera menjadi sepucat hantu, bibirnya putih putih dan dalam keadaan panik, disuruhlah tuanku ini agar semua bomoh, ahli jampi, ahli nujum dibawa untuk mentakwilkan erti perkataan itu. Perlukah bomoh membawa air untuk mengusir tahyul?
Matilah bomoh yang paling top pun tidak mengerti tulisan didinding. Maka lumrah Belsyazar yang pandai bribe-bribe (rasuah) berjanji akan memberi emas…Namun semua mulut terbungkam. Lantas permaisuri teringat akan Daniel yang penuh Roh bijak. Oh apa erti men’e, men’e, tek’el ufarsin? ” Dan ini makna perkataan itu:masa pemerintahan tuanku dihitung Allah dan telah diakhiri. Tekel: tuanku ditimbang dalam neraca dan didapati terlalu ringan. Peres: Kerajaan tuanku dipecah dan diberikan kepada orang Media dan Persia (Daniel 5:26-28).
Belsyazar ini raja goblok (bodoh) dan tamak serta tak sedar diri. Dikiranya kerana dia raja, apa sahaja boleh dibuat, duit di gudang itu miliknya bahkan perkakas dari Bait Suci dipakai untuk minum wain. Terlupalah baginda bapa-Nya pernah dihukum Allah. Ayandanya dihukum sehingga memiliki hati lembu dan saban hari meragut rumput, tubuhnya sering dibasahi embun bagai tubuh lembu di padang. Namun baginda bertaubat daripada keangkuhannya dan dipulihkan. Namun bagi Belsyazar, sudah terlambat pada waktu jari itu sedang menulis, musuhnya sudah mengambil alih negara.
Neraca Sepuluh Hukum menunjukkan Belsyazar dah gagal. Kad repot baginda tidak cantik. Tangan yang menulis di dinding baginda adalah tangan Allah Abraham, Ishak dan Daud. Bagaimana kalau tangan ilahi tiba-tiba mucul di dinding kita? Neraca (timbangan) terlalu ringankah? Anda pemimpin? Kalau tangan ini muncul pucatkah wajahmu?
“But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (Genesis 19:25)
Modern scholars said that Lot’s wife took selfie and she turned into a pillar of salt (joking). Lot and his wife lived in a place full of goriest sins. God was going to send fire and brimstone as He couldn’t even find 10 righteous people in the whole town. While the wicked men reveled in their sins, an angel came with marching order for them to leave Sodom and Gomora in split second. There was no time to linger or look back. They should scurry like rats. The angels grabbed their hands to leave before dawn as it would be raining brimstones. Lot’s wife looked back and she became a statue of rock salt.
Don’t look back baby, don’t look back, don’t feel sorry for sins. Leave your sins and cry, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalm 51:10). Flee baby, flee, do not look back.
“Tetapi isteri Lot, yang berjalan mengikutnya, menoleh ke belakang, lalu menjadi tiang garam”(Kejadian 19:26).
Sarjana moden berkata isteri Lot mengambil selfie, lantas dia berubah menjadi tiang garam (berjenakalah). Lot and isterinya tinggal di Sodom Gomora yang penuh dosa keji. Memanglah Allah sudah tidak tahan dengan kekejian mereka bahkan sepuluh orang benar pun tidak wujud di kota ini. Sementara yang lain sedang berseronok dalam kota itu, datanglah malaikat yang membimbing mereka untuk meninggalkan kota itu. Mereka perlu melangkah seribu langkah dalam sesaat. Hujan belerang akan menghujani kota itu. Isteri Lot menoleh balik dan berubah menjadi tiang garam!
Jangan sayangkan dosa yang anda tinggalkan. Jangan menyesal dan menoleh ke belakang. “Jadikanlah hatiku tahir, ya Allah, dan perbaharuu batinku dengan roh yang teguh” (Mazmur 51:12).
“Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created this things” (Isaiah 40:26).
Look around you, your treasure is untold. Sometimes as I walk around Damansara Perdana, my heart is not so pleased. In a small hill, there is a Dash Highway.. However, from time to time my heart is immediately captivated when I see a small dragonfly (tonbo in Japanese) or a colourful butterfly. Looking at clouds, hearing the chirping of birds, immediately release me from displeasure of Dash Highway built to dash across all the condominiums here. There are so many things in nature to be drawn to rather than the highway inconsiderably built here. Rather than having my imagination starved with the Dash Highway, take a good peep at God’s creation.
There is no music in a rest, but there is a making of music in it. Our life is like an interesting melody with rests here and there. It doesn’t always have to be the whole note, but sometimes the half note, quarter note or rest. It would be foolish to think it is the end of the theme or rhapsody because of a rest. Could the rest be half accomplished plan, sickness, pandemic and a sudden pause? Is the music still on during the rest? Yes, the musician still count the note, and catch up with the next note beautifully and steadily.
“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord O my soul! I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.”(Psalm 146:1-2). There is still a theme and a music even in a rest…the music still reach the Creator’s ears and the count is still on…
Tiadalah nada muzik dalam tanda rehat namun muziknya tetap ada. Hidup kita bagai irama merdu dengan tanda rehat sana sini. Irama kita tidak semestinya nota penuh selalu. Adakala setengah nota, seperempat, seperlapan dan juga ada rehat. Mungkin rehat itu tanda pandemik, kegagalan, recana yang tidak digenapi, ataupun penyakit…Namun lagu dan irama hidup tidak berhenti kerana dalam rehat ini tetap ada kemerduan irama hidup. Pemuzik masih menghitung notanya dan peka supaya muzik mengalir dengan indah. “Puji Tuhan! Puji meh Tuhan, O semengat aku! Aku deka muji Iya seumur idup. Aku deka belagu muji Allah Taala aku sepemanjai umur aku” (Masmur 146:1-2).
Hi friends, when is Jesus coming back? Are you looking for His return or not?
“The longing to see Christ that burned the breasts of these first Christians seems to have burned itself out. All we have left are the ashes. It is precisely the “yearning” and the “fainting” for the return of Christ that has distinguished the personal hope from the theological one. Mere acquaintance with correct doctrine is a poor substitute for Christ and familiarity with New Testament eschatology will never take the place of a love inflamed desire to look on His face. “(A.W.Tozer)
Hai konco-koncoku, bilakah Kristus kembali? Adakah kamu sedang menantikan kepulangan Yesus?
Kerinduan melihat Kristus kembali menyala-nyala dalam kalbu umat Kristian yang pertama. Sekarang apa yang ada pada umat-Nya hanya debu ataupun lebu aja. Kerinduan dan keinginan kuat untuk kepulangan Kristus membezakan pengharapan peribadi daripada pengetahuan teologi. Pengenalan dangkal akan doktrin tepat hanya semata-mata pengganti lemah. Pengenalan akan eskatologi Perjanjian Baharu pun tidak boleh menggantikan kerinduan yang penuh kasih untuk melihat muka-Nya.
Your vision has been blurred due to the severity of pandemic around you. The sneak thief of sight is coming if you focus too much on the woes of Covid. Also, you are suffering nearsightness because you are able to see close distance but distance become blurry and total darkness. These problems have hindered you from enjoying God’s peace and joy. Ensure you turn on the divine light inside, the lamp of your soul. “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness (Luke 11:34).
Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on the world,
Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away my sins,
Have mercy on me,
Light up my lamp
Christ the Lamb of God, grant me your light.
Penglihatan kamu sudah kabur kerana pandemik yang dahsyat ini. Pencuri penglihatan berada di ambang sekiranya kamu terlalu tertumpu pada Covid. Mata kamu rabun kerana engkau melihat yang dekat tetapi yang jauh gelap. Masalah imi sudah merintangi kamu daripada menikmati sukacita dan damai Allah. Pastikan terang ilahi dipasang, pelita jiwamu. “Matamu adalah pelita tubuhmu. Jika matamu baik, teranglah seluruh tubuhmu, tetapi jika matamu jahat, gelaplah tubuhmu,” (Luke 11:34).
Kristus, Domba Allah yang menghapuskan dosa dunia,
Kasihanlah aku,
Kristus, Domba Allah yang menghapuskan dosaku,
Kasihanlah dunia,
Nyalakan lampuku,
Kristus, Domba Allah berilah terang-Mu.
Just imagine this beauty blooms just like this. Thriving in your life is the most difficult thing during hardship. Some days you receive some shattering news. Only if the grace of God thrives in our heart and our eyes are set on high, we can’t thrive. Do not loose heart because, “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond comprehension, as we look not to things that are seen but to things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal,” (2 Corinthians 4:16).
Bayangkan ratu ini bertumbuh di sini. Hidup melimpah mungkin sukar sewaktu musim ini. Hari hari tertentu anda menerima berita yang mengecaikan hati. Hanya kalau rahmat Tuhan dilipat gandakan dalam hidup kita, dan mata kita melayang ke yang tinggi, kita sulit hidup melimpah. Janganlah tawar hati, “Sebab penderitaan ringan yang sekarang ini, mengerjakan bagi kami kemuliaan kekal yang melebihi segala-galanya, jauh lebih besar daripada penderitaan kami. Sebab kami tidak memperhatikan yang kelihatan, melainkan yang tak kelihatan adalah sementara, sedangkan yang tak kelihatan adalah kekal (2 Korintus 4:17-18).
This season, I nicknamed myself, Veggie worm.” I have been devouring so much veggies ever since I got to know a farmer. “Do you want a pumpkin,” she asked. “Sure, I love pumpkin.” “Yours is growing in the farm,” she replied. I have no shadow of doubt that my pumpkin will be arriving soon because it is growing.
We plant a seed, the seed sprouts and grows. Growing is another realm cause by divine force. We won’t say, we are not sowing, because of other uncontrollable forces working against it. Building a business or ministry has no shortcut. Again and again, we work at it, who knows with tears, no matter how complex the task maybe, or whatever season it maybe. The results belong to another realm. “In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withold not your hand, for you not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good,” (Ecclesiastes 11:6).
Sejak saya bersahabat dengan seorang petani, saya sudah berubah menjadi ulat sayur. Setiap hari, saya menggerogoti sayur-mayur. “Kamu mahu labu kuning?” “Sudah tentu, masak lodeh…” “Ok, sedang bertumbuh!” Saya tahu beberapa hari lagi saya akan makan labu kuning.
Kita menabur, benih bertunas, bertumbuh lantas berbuah. Kita tidak berkata, musim ini, saya tidak menabur kerana banyak hal yang tidak dapat saya kuasai. Membangun perniagaan ataupun pelayanan tidak ada jalan mudah. Kita rajin berusaha sekalipun musim seperti tidak sesuai. Kita mengusahakan dengan titik peluh, tangisan dan berharap untuk menuainya dengan sorak sorai. Betapa sulit kerja itu, kita tetap menabur dan menanam, dan hasilnya pasti ada. “Taburkanlah benihmu pagi-pagi hari, dan janganlah memberi istirehat kepada tangammu pada petang hari, kerana engkau tidak mengetahui apakah ini atau itu yang akan berhasil, atau kedua’duanya sama baik “(Pengkhutbah 11:6).
Naboth’s juicy vineyard in Jezreel was near King Ahab’s palace. Day by day, the king was eyeing at the beautiful garden. As a king, would he sell himself to acquire the vineyard? Would he be subjected to his own selfish desire and invade the rights of his citizens? Would he prove that his badge of authority only portrays abuse and low moral inclination? Would his royal highness force a citizen to transfer ownership?
One day, he said, “Naboth, your vineyard is near my palace. Give it to me so I can turn it into a vegetable garden. I’ll give you a better vineyard or pay whatever you want for yours” (1 King 21:2, CEV). But Naboth would not give the inheritance of his father…” The Lord forbid that I should give the inheritance of my father…” was his answer.
The king turned into a spoilt sullen child, he came back to his palace utterly depressed. Behind every evil man, there is an evil woman. The queen, Jezebel, plotted an evil plan and set up a kangaroo’s court to lie about Naboth. Subsequently, Naboth was mercilessly killed…The king and queen sold themselves to greed, and murder…They broke the following of the ten commandments: “Do not murder.” “Do not steal.” “Do not tell lies about others.” “Do not want anyone’s house, wife or husband,slaves, oxen, donkeys or anything else.
Divine punishment was awaiting them. Surely the bitter wormwood of divine retribution was awaiting them among the grape leaves.
Kebun anggur Nabot tampak manis di mata Raja Ahab. Setiap hari, Raja Ahab mengiur memiliki kebun tersebut kerana kebun itu dekat istana baginda. Adakah baginda akan menjual diri dan menggadai maruah kerana keinginannya? Adakah lambang kekuasaannya akan menggambarkan keadilan atau sebaliknya? Adakah dia akan menggunakan hak politiknya untuk memiliki kebun anggur itu? Adakah milik nenek moyang Nabot dan segala titik peluh menanam anggur akan dirampas?
Suatu hari Raja Ahab berkata, “Berikanlah kepada beta kebun anggur itu, supaya beta jadikan kebun sayur…”(1 Raja-Raja 21:2). Jawab Nabot, “Kiranya Tuhan menghindari aku dari memberikan pusaka moyangku kepada tuanku!”
Raja Ahab merengkek bagai anak kecil yang tidak dapat memiliki anak patung yang diingini baginda. Di belakang lelaki durjana, ada wanita yang fasik. Dengan dua saksi palsu, permaisuri mengatur agar Nabot dituduh berbuat jahat lalu direjam sehingga mati.
Raja Ahab dan permaisuri beta menjual diri kepada ketamakan dan penyalahgunaan kuasa. Mereka berdua melanggari beberapa hukum daripada sepuluh hukum. “Jangan membunuh”(Keluaran 20:13);
“Jangan mencuri” (Keluaran 20:15); “Jangan mengucapkan saksi dusta tentang sesamamu” (Keluaran 20:16); “Jangan mengini rumah sesamamu; jangan mengini isterinya, atau hamba laki-laki, atau hambanya perempuan, atau keldainya, atau apa pun yang dipunyainya(Keluaran 20:17).
Tentu balasan ilahi segera menyusul di sebalik celah-celah daun-daun anggur yang melambai-lambai keadilan.
Malaysia is like kuih lapis. Every layer is important in enhancing the richness, strength and character of the nation. It’s a brilliant diversity of unique talents, sincere hearts, working to restore the nation. True beauty will shine when the spirit of self importance die. We long for a truly beautiful nation which allows every anak Malaysia all the possibilities and opportunites to develop and shine for God and Malaysia.
Malaysia bagai kuih lapis. Setiap lapis itu penting untuk memberi kekayaan, kekuatan dan keindahan sifat. Beraneka macam bakat dan hati murni untuk memulihkan negara, itu keteguhan kita. Keindahan murni akan bersinar kalau semangat kepentingan diri pupus. Kami rindu Anak Malaysia dikurniai segala kemungkinan dan kesempatan untuk berkembang dan bersinar demi Tuhan dan Malaysia.
There are three things I love at the break of dawn: the crow of rooster, smell of green grass and dawn choir of birds. Thank God, I could still enjoy the rooster’s crowing from Desa Temuan and the dawn choir here.
Rooster’s crows always remind me of Jesus and Peter. He knew exactly when His disciple, Peter, would deny him. ” Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” (Mark 14:30, ESV). Exactly, on the third change of guard, when the rooster crowed, this very night, this exact second…Chinese says chun, chun, Peter denied Him vehemently.
Peter thought he confessed and owned Christ fearlessly although in those days, it was far more safer to be friends with the enemies of Christ. When the rooster crowed thrice, Peter realised he had denied Christ three times before his enemies. He was thrown into deep remorse, all flung out and wept profusely. Does the rooster crow for us this season? What could possibly happen if we are tested fiercely?
Saya amat menyukai ayam berkokok ketika fajar menyinsing. Syukurlah, saya masih boleh mendengar ayam berkokok dari Desa Temuan dan mendengar pancaragam kicaun burung. Tak dapatlah, saya menghidu kesegaran rumput pada subuh pagilah di sini.
Teringatlah aku pula kisah ayam berkokok bagi Petrus. Petrus selalu berfikir kesetiaannya tidak akan diganggu gugat oleh apa-apa pun. Namun Tuhan Yesus tahu persis saat Petrus akan menyangkal-Nya, “Aku berkata kepadamu, sesunsungguhnya pada hari ini, malam in juga, sebelum ayam berkokok dua kali, engkau telah menyangkal Aku tiga kali”(Markus 14:30, TBI).. Setelah ayam berkokok tiga kali, Petrus menyedari dia sudah menyangkal Kristus tiga kali. Maka kedengaranlah sedu sedan Petrus yang betapa pilu hati. Adakah ayam berkokok bagimu musim ini? Apakah yang akan terjadi kalau kita diuji keras?
Suddenly, all at once, the whole world is going through the dark night of the soul. In secrecy and in stillness, some souls are bloomong beautifully as they seek the Lord in this very dark night. “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart,” (Jeremiah 29:13, KJV). Diamonds can be found in deepest darkness of the earth in the deep secret. In seclusion, it is the most precious time to stretch your soul to Him, and discover beauty for your soul.
Bahasa Melayu: Dengan tidak semena-mena, seluruh dunia mengalami kegelapan kelam dalam jiwa. Di saat yang tenang ada jiwa sedang bermekar indah sewaktu jiwa mencari Tuhan. “…apabila kamu mencari Aku, kamu akan menemukan Aku: apabila kamu menanyakan Aku dengan segenap hati,” (Yeremia 29:13). Intan hanya digali di sudut gelap di dunia dalam rahsia gelap. Dalam saat kegelapan kelam jiwamu, biarlah jiwamu menemui yang indah.
Photo csptured by: Michelle Bongolan Espiritu in Eileen’s garden. This flower blooms only at night, and is also known as Princess of the Night, or Dutchman’s Pipe Cactus.
“Let me dwell in your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings. Selah.” (Psalms 61:4). Although in exile without a permanent place of dwelling, King David identified God as His dwelling tent. In his time of danger, worship was still the main essence of his life. Although his heart was faint, he identified a rock
higher than his danger. He wanted to spend his life dwelling in the presence of God.
Bahasa Melayu: “Biarlah aku menumpang di dalam khemah-Mu untuk selama-lamanya, biarlah aku berlindung dalam naungan sayap-Mu,” (Mazmur 61:4). Sekalipun dalam pembuangan, Raja Daud tetap merindui kehadiran Allah. Meskipun jiwanya terancam oleh musuh-musuhnya, ibadah tetap menjadi intipati hidupnya. Walaupun hatinya lelah, matanya tetap pada Gunung Batu yang lebih tinggi. Dia rindu tinggal di hadirat Allah.
Birds from Sharon’s garden.
“The Lord is my rock and fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge”(Psalm 18:2, ESV).
Almighty God, the refuge of all who are in distress in all troubles of this life,
draw us to you to find comfort in knowing your living kindness and tender mercy,
shelter us in your mercy that the storms of life may pass over us and not shake the peace of God within us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa, benteng perlindungan bagi semua yang dalam kesesakan oleh masalah hidup ini. Bawalah kami menghampiri Engkau untuk penghiburan, kerana kami tahu belas kasihan-Mu dan rahmat-Mu yang lembut menjaga kami dalam belas kasihan-Mu sehingga badai hidup ini melewati kami dan tidak mengoncang damai Tuhan dalam hati kami. Kami berdoa dalam nana Yesus Kristus, Tuhan kita. “Ya Tuhan, bukit batuku, kubu pertahananku dan penyelamatku, Allahkh, gunung batuku, tempat aku berlindung, perisaiku, tanduk keselamatanku, kota bentengku!” (Mazmur 18:2, TBI).
“The bee,” said Aristotle,”sucks its honey from flowers without injuring them and leaving them fresh.” We all know how pollination begins. Put together another great thought, Francis de Sale, “True devotion does better, for not only it does not spoil anything or any sort of calling but beautifies and adorns it.” Putting these two thoughts together, whatever your calling maybe…Prime Minister, CEO, administrator, sweeper or teacher, the work you have left will either leave behind a pollination or a trail of destructive hailstorm. Do you leave behind weary hearts?
Likewise, Jesus said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10).
“Lebah akan menghisap madu dari bunga tanpa melukainya tetapi meninggalkannya segar.” Kita juga tahu proses polinasi mulai. Francis de Sale berkata,”Pemberian yang murni lebih baik dan dalam panggilan apa sahaja, ia akan memperindahkan bahkan menghiasinya.” Saya menggabungkan dua fikiran ini…panggilan apa sahaja Perdana Menteri, CEO, pengurus, atau guru, pekerjaan yang anda tinggalkan akan memulakan polinasi (transformasi) atau bencana alam.
Begitu juga dengan Tuhan, ” Pencuri datang hanya untuk mencuri dan membunuh dan membinasakan; Aku datang, supaya mereka mempunyai hidup, dan mempunyainya dalam segala kelimpahan,”(Yohanes 10:10).
When I was a little girl, I enjoyed movies with happy ending. Like all children, I loved to hear, “And they live happily forever after.” During this pandemic season, you are always asking what would be the next chapter? The last chapter of the Bible speaks about the ending. The risen Christ identified Himself as the Alpha and Omega. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”(Revelation 22:13) How about the ending? Is it a bad or a good ending for mankind?
“Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates. Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.” (Revelation 22:14-15). It’s a good ending if your garments are wash clean…
What if you are too disheartened during this season? Turn your eyes to the throne of God and of the Lamb (Revelation 1:1). The Lamb is Christ who died for your sins, is risen and enthroned. The city there no longer has anything accursed (Revelation 1:3) like Covid 19 mutating endlessly till you are stuck with the same chapter.
How about the red rose? The red rose symbolised those who said this is purely a fairy tale and trampled upon it. Sob, sob.
Sewaktu kecil aku suka akan cerita yang berakhir dengan nada gembira,”dan mereka hidup gembira selama-lamanya.” Musim pandemik ini kamu selalu tertanya-tanya apakah cerita bab berikutan ya?” Bab terakhir dalam Alkitab ceritakan bab terakhir… Nadanya gembirakah? Nah, di sini Tuhan Yesus Kristus berkata “Aku adalah Alfa dan Omega, Yang Pertama dan Yang Terkemudian, Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir” ( Wahyu 22:13). Ya, tetapi akhir ceritanya baik, buruk atau dahsyatkah?
Tergantunglah. “Berbahagialah mrreka yang membasuh jubahnya. Mereka akan memperoleh hak atas pohon-pohon kehidupan dan masuk melalui pintu-pintu gerbang ke dalam kota itu. Tetapi anjing-anjing dan tukang-tukang sihir orang-orang sundal, pembunuh-pembunuh, penyembala berhala, dan setiap orang yang mencintai dusta dan yang melakukannya tinggal di luar. (Rev.22:14). Adak jubah mu dibasuh bersih?
Kalau kamu terlalu tawar hati dan merasa seakan-akan tersangkut pada bab hidup ini, layangkan pandangan ke takhta Allah, dan takhta Domba Allah. Yesus Kristus yang mati bagi bagi dosamu, bangkit dan bersemayam mulia (Wahyu 1:1). Di sana tiada laknat dan covid 19 yang ganas (Wahyu 1:2) yang mengancam terus.
Bagaimana pula dengan bunga ros tu? Ros ini melambangkan orang yang berkata akhir cerita seperti ini dongenglah, lalu dinjak-injak ros ini. Pergilah Cik Tan, jangan banyak berdongeng ya.
Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage; we humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, pure conduct. Save us from violence, discord and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one people the multitudes and tongues. Endow with spirit of wisdom those to whom, in Thy Name, we entrust the authority and government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness and in the days of trouble, suffer not our trust inThee fail, all of which we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord.Amen. (Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican Church).
Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa, Engkau telah memberi kami tanah yang baik sebagai warisan kami. Kami memohon dengan rendah hati supaya kami akan menjadi umat manusia yang selalu ingat akan kebaikan hati-Mu dan melakukan khendak-Mu dengan hati yang gembira. Berkatilah tanah kami dengan perusahaan mulia, pembelajaran sihat, kelakuan murni, dan selamatkan kami dari keganasan, pecah belah, kacau bilau, kesombongan, kecongkakan, dan setiap selok belok yang jahat. Pertahankan kebebasan kami, dan membentuk kami menjadi umat manusia yang bersatu padu, iaitu orang ramai yang terdiri daripada beraneka bangsa dan lidah. Kurniakan roh hikmat kepada mereka yang kami dalam Nama-Mu pilih sebagai kuasa kerajaan, supaya keadilan dan kedamaian ada di tanahair kami. Biarlah dengan ketaatan kepada undang-undang, kami menunjukkan pujian-Mu di antara negara-negara di muka bumi. Pada waktu kami mengalami kemakmuran, penuhi kami dengan kesyukuran, dan pada waktu kami dalam kesusahan, janganlah kepercayaan kepada Engkau gugur. Semua ini kami pinta dalam nama Yesus Kristus, Tuhan kami, Amin.
Jesus is known as the rose of Sharon and lily of the valleys for His beauty and goodness.
John tells us that, “Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as the Only Begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth,”(John 1:14). There are so much kind love in His life. He is full of goodness. Let the window of your soul be opened to catch that radiant of Grace and truth. Turn to His goodness as the flowers turn to the sun. Read the gospel to see His love and goodness.
Tuhan Yesus dikenali sebagai bunga mawar Sharon dan bunga bakung. “Firman itu telah menjadi manusia, dan diam di antara kita, dan kita telah melihat kemuliaan-Nya, iaitu kemuliaan yang diberikan kepada-Nya sebagau Anak Tunggal Bapa, penuh kasih kurnia dan kebenaran” (Yohanes 1:14). Hidup Yesus penuh dengan kasih dan kebaikan. Bukalah jendela jiwamu untuk menangkap sinaran kemuliaan dan kebenaran-Nya. Arahkan mukamu bak bebunga mengarahkan diri kepada mentari.
Good day.
What if we are bound in chains and caught in the cords of afflictiion? (Job 36:8). What are the benefits of affliction? We grow more. Our harden soils are loosen, and more divine nutrients can be absorbed quickly. Charles Spurgeon, an outstanding preacher said, “Severe trouble in a true believer has the effect of loosening the soil’s roots earthward and tightening the heart’s anchor-hold heavenward.” Like this sweet little flower, it is able to put its root down and face towards the sun. As you read His words, (the Bible) you will absorb it with deeper understanding as affiction has ploughed your soil.
Bagaimana keadaan kita ketika dibelenggu dengan rantai dan terperangkap dalam tali kesengsaraaan? (Ayub 36:8). Kita bertumbuh lagi. Tanah kita dibajak lembut dan zat-zat ilahi menyerap cepat. Charles Spurgeon seorang pengkhutbah berkata “Kesengsaraan besar dalam orang yang betul-betul percaya mampu melembutkan tanah sehingga akarnya menurun dalam dan hatinya berpaut pada sauh ilahi.” Ya, kawan-kawan bagai bunga kecil yang manis ini, kita akan bertumbuh lebih manis lagi. Fikir-fikir hal ini. Ketika anda membaca firman Tuhan, jiwa meresapi dengan cepat, tanahmu sudah dibajak….
I never have a curtain in my living room because I want the sky to be my curtain. Hey, it’s too beautiful to be concealed. Hence, everyday I am facing the clouds and sky. Not wearing a mask, looking at soft fluffy clouds, and taking a deep breath is already enough for me. Only once, I saw my favorite eagle circling the sky. Rarely, I have few stars smiling down on me at night but the moon is a constant friend.
Talking about stars, my adventure staying in a small house near the Great Wall of China is vividly alive in my pictorial mind. I was awoken at midnight by nature’s call. As I looked up at the sky, it was fully studded with beautiful stars. It reminded me when Abraham’s look up at the stars twinkling at night, God gave him a promise, “And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be. “And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:4-5).
Against the dark canopy of worldwide pandemic, you are one of the twinkling stars promised to Abraham and studded brightly because you placed your hope in Christ. Galatia 3:6-9 “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”? Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham.” (Bible verses from ESV)
Good day. Why do you have to feel special only if it is a red, red rose? “My love is like a red, red rose, that’s newly sprung in June, O my love is like a melody, that’s sweetly played in tune.” (Robert Burn). Can you feel special if it is a yellow rose or a yellow sunflower?” And who is the lover? Ha!ha! it’s God who gives it to you because you are special! You are specially formed by Him since you were in your mother’s womb. ” For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well. ” (Psalm 139: 13-14) ESV. Even your kidneys have been specially formed or intricately woven.
Can you thank God that you are awesomely and wondrously made? Your skeletons are mysteriously attached one to another. Hey, you are even more beautiful than the most beautiful embroidery…he he…Don’t sulk if you have not received any red rose ya…
Mengapakah kamu hanya merasa special kalau itu bunga ros merah? “Kasihku bagai bunga ros yang merah, yang bermekar pada bulan Jun. Kasihku bagai irama yang diringi muzik indah?” (Robert Burn) Dapatkah kamu merasa istimewa kalau itu bunga ros kuning atau bunga mentari kuning? Siapa gerangan kekasih yang memberinya? Tuhan memberinya kepada kamu kerana kamu istimewa. Kamu sudah diciptakan istimewa, “Sebab Engkaulah yang membentuk buah pinggangku, menenun aku dalam kandungan ibuku,” (Mazmur 139:13). “Aku bersyukur kepada-Mu oleh kerana kejadianku dahsyat dan ajaib; ajaib apa yang Kaubuat, dan jiwaku benar-benar menyedarinya,” (Mazmur 139:14). TBI
Buah pinggangmu ditenun dengan indah. Tulang-tulang diikat dengan mahir secara rahsia. Hai, kamu lebih indah daripada segala tenunan. Bersyukurlah atas karya ajaib-Nya yang istimewa.
Kerana beriman akan sukacita yang akan datang
Kita melintasi gurun malam
Sehingga kita sampai ke rumah syurga kita
Iman pembimbing kita dan iman penerang kita
Iman memberi kita kerinduan akan penglihatan
Iman membuat gerbang mutiara tampak
Nun jauh ke dunia seberang ia membuka
Kemuliaan kekal dibawa dekat
Dengan sukacita kita melintasi gurun
Iman mengilhami secerca syurgawi
Biarpun singa mengaum dan badai menerpa
Batu-batu dan kerikil-kerikil sepanjang jalan kita
Jadi Abraham, atas perintah Allah
Tinggalkan rumah sendiri untuk berjalan bersama Allah
Imannya memandang ke tanah perjanjian
Semangatnya menyala kalbunya sepanjang jalan…(Sir Isaac Watts 1674-1748)
“Dia adalah cahaya kemuliaan Allah dan gambar wujud Allah dan menopang segala yang ada dengan firman-Nya yang penuh kekuasaan…Ibrani 1:3a). Tuhan Yesus menggambarkan keindahan Allah malahan Dia gambar wujud-Nya. Dia gambar rupa-Nya. Musim dingin ini, janganlah kehilangan harapan. Kesetiaan Allah nyata dan Dia masih menopang alam semesta. Kita masih menerima curahan hujan, dan sinaran mentari tetap ada. Bunga masih bermekar di keheningan malam, sayur-mayur tetap ada di dapurmu dan oxigen ada bagi semua. Cakrawala tidaklah langgar melanggar…Dia masih menopang dunia dan mukjizat alam terus beredar mulus. Jangan patah hati. Aku tahu bilangan covid membutakan mata rohani kita dan mencengkam perasaan kita.
O Lord, maker of all creatures, have mercy on us.
Blot out our sins, and without ceasing have mercy on us.
Do not let humanity perish, which you have made, but in your pity have mercy on us.
O Christ, only Son of the Father, born of a virgin, have mercy on us.
By your blood you saved a lost world from death, have mercy on us.
Hear the prayers of those who now call on you, have mercy on us.
Kindly Spirit, fill us with your grace, have mercy on us.
You procede continually from the Father and the Son, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, three in unity, adored together, have mercy on us.
Free us from the bond of our sins. Redeem us from death, have mercy on us.
Let us all now proclaim, and sing of your praise, have mercy on us.
O Tuhan, Pencipta semua makhluk, kasihanilah kami.
Hapuskan dosa kami, dan curahkan belas kasihanmu tanpa berhenti-henti.
Jangan biar umat manusia yang Kaucipta binasa, tetapi kasihanilah kami.
O Kristus, Anak Tunggal, dilahirkan oleh anak dara Maria kasihanilah kami.
Dengan darah-Mu, selamatkan dunia sesat ini dari maut, kasihani kami,
Dengarlah doa kami yang berseru kepada Engkau kasihani kami.
Roh baik, penuhilah kami dengan rahmat-Mu, kasihanilah kami.
Engkau yang datang terus menerus dari Bapa dan Anak, kasihani kami.
Tritunggal, yang dipuja bersama-sama, kasihanilah kami,
Bebaskan kami dari ikatan dosa. Tebuskanlah kami dari maut, kasihanilah kami.
Biarlah kami bersorak dan bergema pujian-Mu, kasihanilah kami.
Hello friends, are you feeling lonely today?
According to a guy, Wayne Dryer, “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you are lonely with.” Do you agree?
What does the Bible say?” You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)…ESV Have you ever encountered this? When we are busy at work with friends around, we didn’t realise there is a space in our heart only God can touch.
Helo, teman-temanku, sepikah kamu hari ini?
Menurut seorang jejaka, Wayne Dryer, “Tak mungkin kamu boleh sepi kalau kamu suka orang yang sepi itu.” Setujukah?
Apa kata Alkitab? ” Engkau menunjukkan kepadaku jalan kehidupan; di hadapan-Mu ada sykacita berlimpah-limpah, di tangan kanan-Mu ada nikmar senantiasa,” (Mazmur 16:11). Betul don, sewaktu bersama kawan-kawan di pejabat bersembang-sembang, sering kita tidak sedar ada ruangan dalam hati yang hanya Tuhan bisa sentuh.
As the world takes a sharp turn, I have been stalked and nearly strangled. It is no ordinary Stalker…I close my doors and windows, the stalker is still there. it is anxiety. When Paul was in prison, he wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4). He is saying never lose your joy, I said never. Yes, our joy is not from our surrounding but from our Giver of life, and Saviour.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be known to God.” (Philippians 4:6). Turn all anxiety into prayer and trust our God who was with Joseph in the well; Moses before the red sea; Daniel in the lion’s den…
And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind. The peace that acts a soldier and prevents the stalker from entering and strangling you!
Ketika dunia belok ke lebuhraya yang gelap dan bahaya, aku pun diekori pemburu ganas. Pemburu yang ganas itu si khuatir. Rasul Paulus menulis, “Bersukacitalah senantisa dalam Tuhan! Sekali lagi kukatakan:Bersukacitalah! (Filipi 4:4). Dia sedang berkata janganlah hilang sukacitamu. Sukacita bukan daripada sekeliling atau keadaan tetapi daripada Pemberi Hidup dan Juruselamat kita.
Biarlah setiap kekhuatiranmu diubah menjadi doa, “…nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur (Filipi 4:6). Ingat, Tuhan yang kamu harapkan pernah bersama Yusuf dalam perigi, Musa di Lautan Teberau, Daniel di gua singa…
Damai sejahtera yang melampaui akal akan memelihara hati dan fikiranmu. Damai yang bagai askar yang mengawal dan mencegah pemburu ganas dari menceroboh dan mencekikmu.
In confidence of your goodness and great mercy, O Lord
I draw near to you
as a sick person to the healer
as one hungry and thirsty to the fountain of life
a creature to the creator,
a desolate soul to my own tender comforter.
Behold, in you is everything I can or should desire.
You are my salvation and my redemption,
my hope and my strength
Bring joy, therefore, to the soul of your servant;
for to you, OLord, have I lifted my soul…Thomas a Kempis (1471)
Dengan keyakinan akan kebaikan dan rahmat-Mu yang besar, Ya Tuhan,
Aku menghampiri-Mu
sebagai orang sakit kepada Penyembuh
sebagai orang yang lapar dan haus ke mata air hidup
sebagai insan kepada Pencipta
Jiwa yang merana kepada Penghibur lembut.
Sesungguhnya, hanya Engkau segala yang Kumahu dan rindui.
Engkau Penyelamatan dan Penebusanku,
berilah sukacita, kepada jiwa hamba-Mu;
Kepada-Mu kuangkat jiwaku.
Video ini memberitahu kita bahawa galakan, kasih dan ilham daripada sesama sangat penting sewaktu menghadapi krisis. Hanya sokongan dan kasih daripada sesama dapat mengeluarkan kita dari kesengsaraan yang dihadapi pada musim Covid.
In the darkness of my cave, the shelter of His wings becomes a reality. When the wiles of life become too threatening, it is under the shadow of His wings we seek His comfort. God is protecting His young under His wings and let us chirp to Him. In the silence of our cave, God is always merciful.
In silence, I will wait for Him to fulfil His purposes until the storm passes by. In faith I will trust Him and He will send His help from heaven. Chirp, chirp, chirp. (Tan Hwee Yong, Bible Quotes NRSV)
Rejoice in Him always although the sky is grey, for He is the sunshine of your soul.
Martin Luther once wrote, “So great is the corruption and blindness of human nature that it does not see or sense the greatness of sin.” Lucy in Peanuts sums up, “whole trouble.” “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23) “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). The trouble is, would men agree with all have sinned?
Luther pernah menulis,”Betapa besar kemerosotan dan kebutaan sifat resmi manusia yang tidak melihat atau merasa kebesaran dosa. “Kerana semua orang telah berbuat dosa dan telah kehilangan kemuliaan Allah” (Roma 3:23). “Sebab upah dosa ialah maut…” ( Roma 6:23). “Akan tetapi Allah menunjukkan kasih-Nya kepada kita, oleh kerana Kristus telah mati untuk kita, ketika kita masih berdosa.” (Roma 5:8). Masalahnya adalah adakah manusia sudi mengaku semua orang telah berbuat dosa?
While listening to Bee Gees, “How Deep Is Your love” the song repeatedly asks, “How dèep is your love?” It reminds me of Ephesians 3:17-19)when the apostle Paul said you will be made strong if you are rooted and grounded in love. What kind of love? The love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, in breadth, length, and height and depth…so that your heart may be filled with the fullness of God. This would happen if you believe that Jesus Christ’s love was promised by prophets, fulfilled when He walked on earth, died on the cross for our sins with love, resurrected and now His love dwells richly in you.
Lagu Bee Gees “How Deep is Your Love” mengulangi, “Betapa dalam kasihmu.” Aku mengenangi yang diajari oleh rasul Paulus dalam Ephesus 3:17-19). Kamu akan menjadi kuat kalau kita berakar serta berdasar dalam Yesus Kristus, dan memahami betapa lebarnya dan panjangnya dan tingginya dan dalamnya kasih Kristus supaya hatimu ada kepenuhan kasih-Nya. Ini akan terjadi jika kamu percaya kasih Yesus Kristus sudah dijanjikan oleh para nabi, digenapi ketika Dia berjalan di dunia dan mati di salib dengan kasih, bangkit semula dan kini hatimu penuh dengan kasih-Nya.
Ya Tuhan, kami diajar oleh Engkau, bahawa tidaklah berguna segala perbuatan kami jikalau tidak dengan kasih. Suruhlah Roh-Mu yang kudus untuk mencurahkan kasih ke dalam hati kami. Itulah yang terutama daripada pemberian-Mu. Itulah tali yang menambat kedamaian dan segala perbuatan baik kepada kami. Sebarang orang yang masih hidup, jikalau tidak menaruh kasih, ibarat orang mati pada pandangan-Mu. Ya Tuhan, berilah permintaan kami ini, oleh sebab Yesus Kristus, Anak-Mu yang tunggal. Amin. Doa orang Anglican, Kitab Doa.
Mata Tuhan melihatkah ketika virus Covid19 dilepaskan dari makmal atau tatkala binatang yang terjangkit itu menular kepada manusia? Siapa yang menjadi dalang mendatangkan kesengsaraan ini? Virus yang menular dari sana itu nenek atau cucunya? Tidak dapatlah saya melantang suara untuk mengecam kerana mataku tidak melihat sekalipun sudah membaca banyak laporan.
Roda yang dilihat oleh nabi Yehezkiel silang menyilang di tengah-tengah sikunya. Yang paling dahsyat adalah sekeliling roda itu penuh dengan mata. Ke mana sahaja keempat-empat makhluk syurgawi bergerak, roda itu akan bergerak.
Mata-mata di sekeliling makhluk syurgawi itu menandai bahawa mata Tuhan masih mengamati, dan kemahatahuan-Nya tidak dapat disangkal(omniscience). “Mereka mempunyai lingkar dan aku melihat, bahwa sekeliling lingkar yang empat itu penuh dengan mata” (Yehekiel 1:1).
Mata Tuhan juga ada di segala tempat, “Mata Tuhan ada di segala tempat, mengawasi orang jahat dan orang baik.” (Amsal 15:3) Nabi Zakharia berkata mata Tuhan menjelajahi dunia (Zakharia 4:10). Yang dahsyat adalah mata-mata itu mewakili mata Hakim yang akan menjatuhkan penghakiman-Nya… (Tan Hwee Yong)
¹Bible verses: Luke 15:11-32. Swiss artist (Eugene Burnand) paints an overwhelming touching moment of the glorious reunion of the overjoyed father and forlorn son. Observed the warm robe of the father and the scanty clothes of the son. Definitely it’s a story of “Love never faileth.” Everyone who comes to God, comes with an empty status…a poor needy sinner, needing the grace of God. Look at the Father’s deep longing eyes as portrays by the artist…He tells us that God sought us….”But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Bahasa Melayu
Anak Sesat digambarkan oleh pelukis arif yang melukiskan saat yang betapa mengharukan. Penyatuan antara Bapa yang penuh sukacita dan anak yang sesat amat menyayat hati kita. Perhatikan jubah hangat bapa dan baju compang camping anak. Inilah cerita kasih Allah..kita datang ke Tuhan dengan status zero…seorang yang berdosa, kering kontang kebaikan sendiri. Tiada sesuatu yang melayakkan kita menerima kasih Allah. Kasih Tuhan tidak pernah gagal. Bapa Syurgawi yang mencari kita. “Akan tetapi Allah menunjukkan kasih-Nya kepada kita, oleh kerana Kristus telah mati untuk kita, ketika kita masih berdosa.” Roma 5:8.
Berfirmanlah Tuhan, ”Hendaklah tanah menumbuhkan tunas-tunas muda, tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berbiji, segala jenis pohon buah-buahan yang menghasilkan buah yang berbiji, supaya ada tumbuh-tumbuhan di bumi.” Dan jadilah demikian… (Kejadian 1:11)
Layangkan matamu kepada keindahan alam. Keajaiban alam terjadi setiap hari dan mukjizat pemberian Tuhan tidak pernah gagal.
Keindahan kebudayaan suku-suku di Borneo dan keistimewaan sulamannya bagai kisah-kisah indah tangan Tuhan di Borneo. Dengan sayap cinta-Nya Tuhan telah mendatangkan keajaiban dalam kalangan mereka. Siapa dapat menduga di tengah-tengah keunikan flora, fauna, bahasa dan manik ada cerita kasih Tuhan. Puji Syukur kepada Tuhan kerana rencana-Nya terus mengalir. Buku Mabuk Sebelum Fajar Menyinsing yang saya terjemahkan daripada Drunk Before Dawn menceritakan perubahan yang didatangkan oleh Tuhan kepada suku Lun Bawang, Iban, Kelabit, Dusun, Penan yang tidak dapat dilupakan. Buku Pergilah Ke Timur menceritakan kasih Tuhan yang bekerja secara luarbiasa dalam kalangan orang Dusun. Cerita-ceritanya boleh dibaca juga di laman web Pusaka Musafir Upstream selain buku-buku ini. Rencana Tuhan yang indah terus mengalir…Selamat Hari Gawai.
Also, Happy Teacher’s Day to Jesus, yes, the Lord Jesus. His classroom was not just classroom but hillside overlooking Sea of Galiliee. His illustrations were nature, everyday happenings, and parables. He encouraged interaction…He was firm yet tender. On one instance a child on his lap, and next instance a whip to cleanse the temple. Of course, His teaching was backed up by miracles which demons trembled. His flawless life was a clue to students who are bong cha cha and no clue to life. Most importantly, His words are bread of life and His offer is eternal life–not just As ya. Follow Him in the gospels.
Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua guru-guru tercinta. Juga, Selamat Hari Guru kepada Cikgu Yesus. Ya, Cikgu Tuhan Yesus. Illustrasi-Nya cunlah…alam dan peristiwa seharian, apalagi perumpamaan. Dia menggalakjan interaksi dalam class. Dia lembut tetapi tegas juga; satu saat anak kecil di pangkuan-Nya dan satu saat lain rotan untuk membersihkan rumah Tuhan. Apalagi, ajaran-Nya dibuktikan oleh mukjizat. Hidup-Nya yang tiada cacat cela, beri contoh kepada murid yang bingung terus. Yang terpenting ajaran-Nya roti hidup dan pemberian-Nya hidup kekal. Bukan hanya semua A ya.Follow Him di Kitab Injil-Injil. (Pusaka Musafir Upstream…website).
The artwork of Gottlieb Peter Biermann 1758, is different. He doesn’t depict Jesus broken hearted believers watching His ascension. Here Christ was in the act of ascending, this all powerful Christ, leaving us all behind but He promised the Holy Spirit from on high to all.
Pelukis Gottlieb dari negara Jerman menggambarkan kenaikan Yesus tanpa melukiskan pengikut-pengikut yang patah hati. Di sini, Kristus sedang naik, Yang Maha Kuasa ini mengurniakan Roh Kudus kepada semua yang percaya kepada-Nya.
Suasana Wesley, ibu yang salih pernah berkata, ” Ibu mesti mengenal dan mengalami Tuhan, kecuali hati mengerti dan mengenal Dia sebagai kebaikan tertinggi, satu-satunya sumber kebahagiaan, kecuali jiwa rasa dan mengakui tiada ketenangan, tiada kedamaian, selain mengasihi dan dan dikasihi-Nya.”
Ibu terima kasih kerana banyak berkorban bagiku pada musim Covid 19 ini. Puji syukur, ibu sudah pandai online juga dan banyak menyaji kuih-muih baru…
Susanna Wesley was a tenacious, steadfast mother who taught not only through scriptures but her faithful daily devotion to God.
Sadly, the frequent absenteeism of her husband left the whole task of parenting ten children entirely in her hands. Nevertheless, she became the most successful godly mother who once wrote, “We must know God experientially for unless the heart perceive and know Him to be to be the supreme good, her only happiness, unless the soul feel and acknowledge that she can have no repose, no peace, no joy, but in loving and being loved by Him.”
During this time of covid19, we cannot fathom the depth of anguish, fear and worries most mother are facing. Their children are stranded in school and university in self-isolation, struggling with their online course. The constant nagging anxiety mothers faced over the safety of their children are unimaginable. With the strong trust, faith, prayer and tenacity of mothers, there is hope for our next generation. Blessed Mother’s Day to all beloved mothers.
Seorang pelanggan yang anggap saya Kak Yong membawa sebeg “walnuts?”. Katanya, “Ta Cheh ini kami impot dari negara Cina untukmu. Oh oh its walnuts! Bagaimana tupai makannya? Gigi tupai yang keras mampu membukanya tetapi saya pula? Sekalipun tupai kecil, giginya lebih kuat daripada manusia. Ajaib sungguh,. alam banyak keajaiban. Ha ha teringat pula saya sewaktu Allah berkata kepada Ayub , “Engkaukah yang memberi tenaga kepada kuda?…Engkau Yang membuat dia melompat-lompat seperti belalang?” (Ayub 39:22). Allah seakan-akan berkata kepada saya,”Awakkah yang membuat gigi tupai betapa kuat sehingga boleh membuka walnuts?” Walnuts dipanggil kenari dalam Bahasa?
So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (John 20: 25)
Honestly, all of us have our moments of scepticism and doubts, but we have hidden it well within our spiritual garment.” There are moments we are like doubting Thomas, and in the silence of our closet we cried, “Unless I see the Lord.” It’s such a foggy season, and there is such an overcast of covid19 over the world. Was it a dream that we are traversing this journey, something as grim as a pandemic? We may be struggling with an emotion of fatalism in our soul.
Let’s reflect on Thomas and his journey of faith.
Once, when Jesus and his disciples heard about their friend Lazarus’s death near Jerusalem, Thomas said with a gloomy note, “Yes, let’s go there that we might die with him.” Probably, we too maybe invaded by such gloomy note, “When would I be infected by this invisible virus?”
When all the disciples had seen the resurrected Lord, Thomas truly doubted they had seen the risen Lord. The image of the dying Lord could have cast a deep doubt in Thomas. With icy coldness in his breath, he said, “…Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (John 20:25)
A week later his disciples were again in the house and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:26) Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:27-28)
His strong encounter with the Lord turned him into a powerful witness of the risen Lord, and he even sailed to Malabar, India and established the Mar Thoma church.
Thomas gave us an insight. Jesus Christ is My Lord and God in my darkest moment. Doubting Thomas uttered the greatest confession of faith in moments of deepest doubt, “My Lord and my God!” (Tan Hwee Yong) Bible verses quoted from NRSV
Hati Petrus and Yohanes berdebar-debar ke kubur Tuhan Yesus. Mereka berlari dengan Iman dan Pengharapan untuk bersemuka dengan Yesus. Berlari-lari untuk lebih mengenal Tuhan Yesus yang hidup, adakah itu yang kauharapkan di tengah-tengah kesulitan dan cabaran semasa? Ketakutan Petrus Dan Yohanes ditenggelamkan oleh Pengharapan Yesus yang hidup.
Running in anticipation, with a heart full of ecstasy of the expected living God. The artist portrayed the two disciples overwhelmed with excitement and it drowned their fear and tears. Are you running in anticipation of the Living Lord and not darkened by this pandemic?
Along an Ancient Pilgrim road, two disciples were discussing the crucifixion and the empty tomb. The stranger in surprising wonder posed his query. Subsequently, to their amazement, with high eloquence He untangled the whole web and explained how the Lord Jesus fulfilled the words of Moses and the prophets. The artist said, ” Our eyes are usually Holden to true significance until some Providence or prophets open them for us.”
You are looking at the greatest betrayal, or the most poisonous kiss. Judas who had every precious moments of tasting the Saviour’s love, betrayed Jesus with a kiss. In Bahasa madu di tangan kananmu, tetapi racun di tangan kirimu. Artist Geiger captured the moment painfully. As situation gets tough, would you be giving a poisonous kiss of betrayal to Jesus? Judas sold his master for thirty pieces.
Anda sedang menghayati lukisan pengkhianatan terbesar. Yudas yang sudah menikmati kasih Juruselamat mengkhianati Tuhannya dengan ciuman yang paling beracun. Pelukis berjaya mengukirkan ciuman ITU, alang sakit hati. Adakah anda akan mengkhianati Yesus tatkala keadaan mengcengkam? Adakah anda akan memberi ciuman yang paling beracun kepada Yesus? Yudas menjual Tuhannya untuk 30 (Wang)
Seilu ilu asai atiku
Engka lelengau ke nuan oh sulu
Tegepang maia nuan megai jariku
Tuchum manis nuan lekat ba mataku
Lepi nyawa ku enda berasai
Seruran ingatka nuan ambai
Tekenang maia tua berimbai
Betunga mua asai enggai pulai
Beribu kaki sanggup ku tiki
Penalam tasik berani ku selam
Sanggup aku nujah bara api
Ku nganti nuan siang enggau malam
Enda ngira ribut enggau kudi
Duri tajam berani ku genggam
Bakanya mih pengeran ati
Ku nganti nuan siang enggau malam
(Lagu ini digubah oleh Ajis The Crew, Liriknya CT Projam)
Namun suatu pertemuan dengan Tuhan kudus sangat penting untuk memulakan perjalanan kehidupan kudus kita. Mata yang melihat kekudusan Tuhan juga akan menolong kita memulakan kehidupan kudus. Yesaya telah bersemuka dengan Tuhan yang kudus dan perjalanan hidupnya dan panggilannya pun berubah.. Lalu kataku: ”Celakalah aku! aku binasa! Sebab aku ini seorang yang najis bibir, dan aku tinggal di tengah-tengah bangsa yang najis bibir, namun mataku telah melihat Sang Raja, iaitu Tuhan semesta alam.” (Yesaya 6:5). “Dia menyentuhkannya kepada mulutku serta berkata: “Lihat, ini telah menyentuh bibirmu, maka kesalahanmu telah dihapus dan dosamu telah diampuni.” (Yesaya 6:7)
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